i am writing a story about wizards and witches and one of the wizards i've named silo, he is an evil man, and now i don't think the name silo suits him. i would like some feedback on whether or not i should keep his name silo or find a name that fits his dark and wicked personality. thank you :)
Silo is good, just make sure you describe this 'wicked' character well so that as readers keep reading they will connect the name and the characteristics...its not more of the name but of the character, but its good so
I like my wizards extremely dark and evil. Silo is not dark enough. I've been into goth music since 1993 so I know what I'm talking about.
Did he choose the name himself? Were his parents planning on him becoming evil? If the answer to both of those questions is no, then there is no reason for him to have a name to fit a dark evil personality. Most of the time, parents or some other adult is choosing the name for the kid. Why would parents name a kid something that sounds dark and evil? Oh, I'm going to name him Lucifer, because I hope he grows up to be the Lord of Darkness!! Yeah... no. So Silo is fine. It sounds like an average fantasy name that an average fantasy family would name their average fantasy son. Not really evil (because, like I said, unless he's picking his own name or his parents are demented, there's no reason for him to have an evil name), but not super ordinary or heroic sounding either. You should be fine.
I don't know I kinda like silo never heard it before for a book impressive. :)