We are downstairs unit security door intercom and home lock is broken, the guests can only throw down the key, I feel very impolite, I now have a window connected to the first floor of the 8-core cable, can use this line I would like to unlock this set is not very understanding, whether the first change, and then access to the lock? What is the principle of unlocking? As long as the key can be unlocked at home on the line, right Do not need to say, and shouting twice on the line.Want to delay the trough of the river of tea right to have a reasonable person to speak a little thorough, the more simple the better, I dry electrician, how much a little knowledge of the circuit. More
Of course you can, and very simple. Only two of them can be used, it is recommended for each 4 core and a group, 8 core is divided into two groups, this can reduce the resistance. We find the electromagnetic switch, the first assumption that the electromagnetic switch is connected to the power supply negative, the other end is often connected with the drive tube. (If the contrary, the following program can be flexible to change their own) we only need one end of the first line of the network drive tube, the other end of the cable power supply is. Upstairs cable at both ends of a button switch can be.
You still ask people to engage in it.
The end of the electric lock is actually an electromagnet, which controls a simple mechanical device to carry the door switch. However, the action of the electromagnet is through a series of instructions. When the occurrence of uncontrollable, the first measurement of the voltage to the electromagnet, while the input switch door instructions (some for the electromagnetic card, and some input