Ductile iron pipe connection mode
Main points of installation: (1) clean the pipe mouth: clean all the sundries in the mouth. Second, clean aprons, aprons on the adhesive material on the apron: clean up, put the ring bending "plum blossom" or "8" shaped into a socket groove, and hand along the entire ring press again, or with a rubber hammer, to ensure that each part of the warping apron is not twisted, evenly the card in the slot.
Jack painted on the outer surface and rubber lubricant: lubricant evenly installed ring inner surface, outer surface coating in the socket to socket socket parts lubricant line all the brush in the socket.
The connection mode of ductile iron pipe installation program: clean up the socket socket to clean up on the apron, apron, pipe (tube), Jack in appearance and rubber brush lubricant to push the pipe into socket to check.