We oen an old house, so its very drafty. We have new windows, etc but it's very hard to keep it warm enough for my 14 month old son at night. I put a an electric blanket under his toddler bed sheet [with another blanket under it so that it didnt melt the plastic] and I always keep it very low [usually at 2] just so that his bed is warm. I have all of the cords to it secured with cable ties so that there are no loose cords for him to get choked on. Also, he's very mobile and could easily get up and come to my room if it got too hot for him [which he has done when his room got too hot during the summer and we didnt have the air conditioning on in his room in fear of him getting too cold] This is also a relatively new electric blanket, probably about 3 years old. It has no damaged wiring and has not been used much. Also has not been recalled. So, do you think its safe to use? [compared to getting pneumonia from a coldddd room?
i would 100% video your baby telling you this story but be carefully it does not back fire in your face call the police aslo if you think this guy is going to hurt your little girl no child should have to live like this yes adult frigth with eachother but it sounds like it is going above that aslo talk to your x wife tell her what you know and if after all that go to court and have your child taken from her if things are not going to change aslo be care fully your xwife does strating tell your daugther not to talk to you about this things let her know that it is good to tell daddy what goes on in mommy house because you love her and want to make sure she is safe good luck
Donald Trump would build a wall around the black looters and rioters and make the NAACP pay for it
You are free to talk to your attorney and call child protective services butand listen very carefully to what I'm about to say If you video your daughter and use that against her mother she will never trust or forgive you again.