I am looking to remodel a mobile home that is 12x60. All the wiring was removed by the previous owner. I need a rough estimate on how much wiring this would take and the type of wiring. I would estimate that it has about 10-15 outlets that are mostly located towards the floor if that if useful info. I really have no idea about this and am completely clueless as to what to look for or use. Any advice would be much appreciated!
You're going to do this yourself? On the advice of crazy people, over the internet? Good luck. Or, how 'bout if you find a competent tradesman in your town that could help you? Maybe get competing bids, just to be sure. Please.
If the walls are open to the studs then $200/ box is what I would probably bid for that type of job. So 21 boxes at $200 about $4000 and that does not include special devices or fixtures. Copper wire is expensive now compared to 10 years ago but the main cost is the labor. Mobile homes are a pain to work in.