I am looking for information on the advantages of pergo type flooring.We would like to put this type of flooring in our condo.The condo rules say NO hardwood flooring,but these rules were probably written in the 80's. What are the advatages over the traditional type of hardwood flooring? Where can I find some info on the subject?Does anyone have a favorite brand.One that's easier to install than another?Any good tips about installation?Thank You!
the dupont elite is a great floor. looks very real, 30 year warranty, goes together easy. STAY AWAY FROM PERGO BRAND it is crap. as far as tips first add about 15% to whatever your square footage is...exp. if the room is 10'x10' that is 100 square feet. buy 115 square feet. be sure to stager your seamsendcuts the dupont also has the pad preinstalled on the planks which makes life alot easier. the floors that you must put the pad down first are a pain in the butt. you end up triping, and ripping the pad as you work in the room. MOST IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!!! reguardless of which type floor you buy be sure to have it in the house (close to the area to be installed) so the flooring can aclamate to the air temp in the house. home depot sells the dupont flooring, the stock 3 different colors, and can special order 3 or 4 more colors.