so I'm planning to fiberglass my floor pan, what i'm looking for in resin is more working time and a durable outcome its about 20' F is it okay to fiberglass at this temp what would be the cons and pros?
THAT large a size is normally only used in water or sewer mainlines Your local city public works department would be your best bet unless there is a supplier locally. They might even have a leftover piece the right size you could get free as well as necessary end caps to seal it. (I assume you intend to seal it as you mention gauges and air fittings.)
If / I believe they will sell less than 10'.
check plumbing supply stores
Like the second answerer said,Beverly Crusher left Enterprise to become the head of Starfleet Medical(that was the storyline explanation why Gates McFadden wasn't in Next Gen season 2).Now the exact reason of how Dr.Crusher became head of Starfleet Medical,what she did during her time there,and why she came back to the Enterprise is a story that has never been told(it was never fully explained during the run of Next Gen why she left Starfleet Medical and came back to the Enterprise)!
Keep your eye on the construction sites..when they first start bereaking ground on a mall or residential community(a new development) is when they wil use this size of pipe..This is usuallty when they are laying it for sewer drains,sewage,main water supply etcetrera is when they are doing what we call the flat work on a developing site..If you get a site after they start pouring concrete etcetera they usally need nothing no bigger than 3 or 4 inch pipe..They throw piecess away the size that you need..just catch them at the right time..