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Find all the colors, Chinese painting, gouache, watercolor, oil painting, the more comprehensive the better.

It is best to have a note, not necessarily a remote word, what creamy white apple green can also be. Such as Kunming HI can be, that is less point. Hope words are more beautiful.


Too much color, 108 kinds of
Pink, that is light red. Nickname: Princess color Yang Fei color Xiang Fei Princess Fei Fei Fei Fei red: ancient with "Fei", pink. Yang Fei color Xiang Fei color pink are synonymous. Red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red Orange, red, orange, orange, red, turmeric, orange, red and yellow between the mixed color. Brown color: a slightly redish brownish brownishness than maroon: a slightly red and slightly lighter than carbazole, darker than cinnamon yellow and slightly yellowish and dark brown than brown walnut brown yellow: describe the sky, Lights, etc. were dark yellow maroon: chestnut color. Ie purple black brown: brown hair color, that is brown. 1, between red and yellow in any one color 2, moderate dim and moderately shallow. Brown green: green in a pan-brown color. Brown black: dark brown. Brown red: reddish brown. Brown: light brown. Ocher: red red, such as ocher pigments, the ancients used to trim ocher: red, red and red. Amber: brown: yellow and black yellow: dry coke: a deciduous shrub, yellow flowers, leaves fall into red. Wood yellow can do dyes.
Pink, that is light red. Nickname: Princess color Yang Fei color Xiang Fei Princess Fei Fei Fei Fei red: ancient with "Fei", pink. Yang Fei color Xiang Fei color pink are synonymous. The "magenta M100" is not a concept based on the red color of the "red", and now we print the color of the "magenta M100" is not a concept. , The color of the peach, slightly lighter than the pink color. (Quester Note: not more than M70 color, sometimes add appropriate amount of yellow) Begonia red, lavender, more pink and deep, is very charming and charming color. Pomegranate Red: Pomegranate flower color, high chroma and purity red. Cherry color: bright red silver: silver and pink pigment dubbed the color. Used to describe a variety of shiny red, especially shiny red. Red: red, red in the three primary colors, the traditional Chinese red, also known as the color (quester Note: RGB color in the R255 series of light) purple purple: purple slightly red color crimson: bright red rouge: 1, The color of the rouge used by women when dressed. 2, Chinese painting dark red paint red: cinnabar color, than the red and lively, also known as lead Zhu Zhu color Dan (quester Note: in the case of YM equal, the amount of red is the amount of red color is the color of the series) Dan: Dan sand bright red Tong: red color: melon stained color, was dark red red: red flame, red Hechi: crimson, red.
According to the hue can be divided into white class, yellow class, red class, green class, blue class, brown class and black class. White class commonly used lead white, zinc white, titanium white lead white chemical composition is lead carbonate, made of oil painting color coverage is better. Lead white powder is often used as a base material. Lead white is the best color of the current color of paint, pure white lead is very stable, if the composition is impure after a long time will be yellow, lead white oil painting color dry fast, dry color layer strong, it is the traditional European oil painting The best color of a white, many oil painting master have used. But lead white has a strong toxicity, even if inhaled lead white dust will have serious consequences, so lead white grinding will bring danger. Now the production of white oil paint mostly zinc white, titanium or zinc titanium white. The chemical composition of zinc white is zinc oxide, the name of zinc powder. Zinc white powder slightly lighter than lead white powder, white than white lead, lasting yellow, stable, dry after the color layer is more solid, but eat more oil, there is no lead white lead, dry slowly, easy to crack. European painters began to use zinc white pigments since 1840. Zinc white heat (sun direct sunlight) will become lemon yellow, cooling will be restored when the white. Zinc white is not toxic, more cold than lead white, blue tendency. Titanium white chemical composition is titanium oxide, is an inert pigment, from climate conditions, there is a strong coverage, is produced in modern paint. Pure titanium white color dry fast, easy to turn yellow after dry, so often mixed with zinc white.

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