Ok so i decided to try my first computer build. So far I have a list of what I would want in it, I just wanted so confirmation that everything would be compadible with eachother. Heres the list: PSU : http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817182032Case: http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811119216Motherboard : http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813131733GPU: http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814161382RAM: http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820233170CPU: http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819103849I know I still need to find out a DvD drive and Hard drive and whatnot, thought this was the most important stuff to find out first. Thanks for any input.
What would the uses of the computer be? Because depending on this You may not need that much ram. You def don't need 1866 ram. Save come cash and get 1600 Also Look for a better PSU. You should look for one that is Bronze 80 Plus Certified and Modular would help. 80 Plus certified allows it to work better and more efficient when it gets close to the maximum wattage and modular helps with cable management. Your MOBO is compatible and not bad, Only thing is that you won't be able to Xfire in the future with the MOBO. But with your GFX that shouldn't be needed in the near future. HDD try look for something by Western Digital or Samsung, Both are quite good and not that expensive. For your CD drive choose the cheapest thing you can find. 20 Dollars should be all you need to spend. Unless you want to burn a lot of CDs/DVDs and watch Blu Rays. Also It is all compatible. I would also suggest getting a CPU cooler just to be safe cause the AMD one is hella tiny :(
First off, bulldozer isn't coming out until at least September now, just so you know. Also, the prices already have come down quite a bit. They were around $300 a year ago. PSU: It's just barely going to cut it when it's brand new and they're less efficient at full capacity. I would pick a new one with some room for capacitor aging and potential upgrades - something like 750 watts. Also consider modular power supplies, they're much easier to deal with. Case: I like Cooler Master. Motherboard: Asus is good. AM3+ is forwards compatible. Good. GPU: Great. RAM: That's overclocker's RAM. You could get 1333 or even 1066 and not lose a single fps. If you do some research and carefully overclock, you would still only need 1600 unless you wanted to do an extreme overclock. Only the geekiest of the geeks should bother with extreme overclocks since they don't help performance very much more than a normal overclock will and they're more dangerous and shorten the life of your processor. Also, AMD chipsets benefit more from low CL more than they do from high mhz. CPU: For gaming you only need 4 cores, but an extra couple of cores won't hurt anything, they just cost a little more.