And the wheels with hubcaps? Does one rust easier than the other? Is there a difference in quality? Is it worth it to choose the alloy wheels over the black rims with a hub cap?
Alloy is a fancy word for aluminum, and wheels with hub caps are steelSteel is heavier but stronger, so it is used on the base line carsAluminum is lighter more $$$$$, so they come on the higher level trim packagesWeather it is worth it or not is a value judgment - Totally up to you.
Go to the dollar storesPut nice stickers thereTry and make it look inviting.
Have you considered using a bedding quilt? Some folks use quilts to cover their windows.
You can get a one way plastic that you stick to the window and you can see out but no one can see in.
Vertical blinds Horizontal blinds Voiles Roller blinds