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Is it safe to put an aluminum foil cupcake tray in the oven?

For easter next week, me and my mom are making mini confetti cupcakesAm I supposed to put the paper cupcake holders after their done or while in the oven? Thanks!


You should use a SwifferThey trap dirt better and I'm pretty sure they have a product made especially for hard wood floors.
99 cent store has the dust mops.
Lowes, Home Depot, Target, K-Mart, most dollar storesThere are a TON of places to find the dust mop.
This might be helpful since you don't like broomsRobo Sweep - it's inexpensive about 38.00 and easy to useWouldn't it be nice to relax and read a book, or drink some coffee, as somebody else swept your floors? RoboSweep uses artificial intelligence to sweep your entire floorIt won't miss an inch of your wood, linoleum, or tile! It will sweep and lift up anything from pet hair, dust and ashes, to paper and rubber! No more backaches, dusty brooms or sweat! Forget brooms and sweepers and vacuums! RoboSweep sweeps an entire room for you in just minutes.It navigates around chairs and under tables, avoiding walls and even stairs! RoboSweep works on tile, marble, wood, vinyl and linoleum floors! No cords, no bags, no workJust clean, dustfree floors! plus it has rechargable batteries!
yeah its safe I use aluminum foil for pizza.

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