form four add math project about aluminium can?
The apple cider vinegar is in reference to altering your PH levels (something cherries or cherry juice will do as well)You need to move away from ACID (coffee, soft drinks, alcohol, red meats)There are tons of great articles and diets if you do a Yahoo search under purine diet, or gout diet
Have heard of using cherries, and I have heard of using apple cider vinegar (can't say you were affected suddenly in the joint possibly with redness sounds like possibly goutCherries and the vinegar have anti inflammatory propertiesGood luck
tart cherry biona organic any good health shop ?4.90 litre
Gout is a condition where uric acid crystals build up in the bodyThis can happen in the area of the big toe and cause a lot of painOur foods contain purines; some foods are higher in this than othersThe doctor may place you on a lower purine diet (of which they will usually provide you a list of foods to avoidThere is also medications that can lower the uric acid in the blood Here an alternative way to cure gout?
prove that aluminuim is the best siding for a home, in the winterU would need 4 thermometers 4 cans 1 sheet of aluminuim foil (wrap around the can) 1 sheet of plastic, and 1 sheet of 2 more substancessurround all cans with 1 sheet of a different substance (news paper), fill the can with hot water at same temp in all cans place thermometers in 5 min record temps, view which can kept the warmest with it's surroundings.