Theres a free macro program out there you when scripted correctly it can do wonders by searching for colors and all kinds of stuff, It has a bulldozer logo thing, altho I forgot the name, Help?
Obviously not. There can never be genuine free speech in the US and this is just another symptom of the disease. How can there be a free and open debate if I have my opinions and they have their opinions and billions of dollars to pollute the media? And of course the easy, but equally painfully wrong, reaction is to think we need our own pollution as a counterbalance. No, a rotten system can't be changed from within and certainly not by contributing to everything that's corrupt and foul about it. Using right wing tactics leads to right wing victory EDIT Your added details are spot on. The only way to really win that battle is with truth and real information. The right uses lies to scare Americans. The correct way to overcome that misinformation is education and real info. If we go down into a demagogy contest with the right we'll always lose because at some point the left has to come with truth and that doesn't work demagogically speaking