From what I've read about powered armor in development by the military the largest problem is a reliable, light, and small power source. Would fuel cells be the answer?
ok, attempt to actual pay interest to this, as you of course did no longer pay interest in extreme college physics. a million. The fires interior the towers did no longer ought to soften steel. as long as there is adequate warmth to weaken the steel helps, which there replaced into, they might cave in. 2. Gravity acts immediately down, no longer on a 'direction of least resistance'. Fluids pass via a direction of least resistance, no longer sturdy homes. 3. As each floor collapsed, it extra weight on the subsequent floor. As successive floor fell by way of severe weight, it had a cascading effect each of how down. 4. controlled demolition, inspite of thermite, might have an explosion till now a floor collapsed. Watch the video and you will possibly actual see the homestead windows blow out by way of fact the floor collapsed; that replaced into by way of overpressure whilst the floor enable pass. 5. there is no such ingredient as 'fall velocity'. Gravity has a relentless fee of acceleration, no longer velocity. lots of experts have defined all of this. attempt actual listening to those that actual comprehend some thing; conspiracy nuts like Alex Jones do no longer comprehend dick. How the hell did you get a BS in physics and say the 'molten steel got here upon smoldering'? Smoldering fires are the effect of burning components that leave an ash; metallic does no longer leave an ash. Canadian universities ought to suck to furnish you a level.
Based on what I read, storing hydrogen is still difficult. You can use a reformer to turn alcohol into H2, but then it's no longer small/lightweight.