Garbage disposal is wired into open electrical outlet down thru basement. Dryer is not vented outside, which is in the basement also, right next to this outlet. There is excessive lint from the dryer all over this open outlet that doesnt have a cover and the live electrical big thick white wire that you wire a house with is split down the middle then the raw metal part is inserted into each side of the outlet for the garbage disposal. If I pull this out to disconnect it will it spark? Shock me? Catch on fire? I want to do this because I am afraid it is going to catch on fire from all the lint. Is that possible also?I rent and I know the dryer should be vented, however it is all glass block windows and landlord has yet to fix it so please dont tell me to vent the dryer. thanks
vent the dryer.important.
Dryer lint is just like a fuel, very flammable. Make the landlord fix it. That is a very dangerous situation. If he won't, report the problem to your local fire department. They will see he does fix it.
leave all repairs to the landlord/ownerhe will blame you if something goes wrong during or after you touch something electrical.if landlord wont address problems in a timely manner than move somewhere else if possible.if you are concerned with the dust/lint buildup on the electrical socket then get a can of compressed air [ normally used to clear dust/lint from electronic equipment ] and use it to clear the socket without touching itbest to where safety glasses and dustmask while using the compressed air,will no doubt make a cloud of dust in the area that will take a few minutes to settle,but at least you will feel saferas far as venting the dryer,,they make water traps that you can vent the dryer into if there is no duct to the one from home depot or similar store and follow the instructions.will reduce but not eliminate the dust and lint coming from the unvented dryer.dan