hi iam buying a new gas cooker it currently has a Bayonet fitting iam gonna buy this cooker
Two things i cannot sleep without are a box fan which drowns out EVERY noise possiblefor some reason the loud fan helps me to sleep i even have to take it on trips or i wont be able to have a good nights rest and the second thing is my jack russell he sleeps under my pillow. He keeps me safe and I keep him safe.
les than that due to convection and other factors.
Heavy compound lifts Barbell curls 4 sets 5 to 7 Skull crushers 3 sets 12 10 8 Tricep pushdowns 3 sets 12 10 8. The last one is a blaster but use strict form. The skull crushers start light and build up by. 5 lbs otherwise you'll ruin your elbows The barbell curls are a mass builder. I worked my arms and body for 23 years and I got big that way Work them only twice a week Don't do any isolation exersises, they're only for peak and tone.. Not mass Cheers