Glass beads insulation mortar need to do test pieces or raw materials re-examination?
Yes, the need for sampling; generally for the quality of the project will do, but the supplier to the sample, the experiment is a bit disparate. From the goods in a few bags to do the experiment Caixing; 30ox300x30 only heat conduction, 100x100x100 only for compression. Raw material testing, with the conditions of the test block should be, with the conditions of 300x300x30 do thermal conductivity detection, 100x100x100 do compressive strength testing, raw materials, test dry density, compressive strength, thermal conductivity.
Do different projects need to produce different sizes of the specimen, see JG / T283
Yes, the raw material testing, with the conditions of the test block should be, with the conditions of 300x300x30 do lead to each other, Strength, thermal conductivity.