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God closes a door and opens a window for you

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If anybody will follow me, he will give up his cross every day to follow me, for he whoever saves his life will lose his life.
The end of life is the beginning of God, bitter sweet, suffering is the blessing of make-up, people do not suffer will not know God, there is a saying called 'Heaven no way', that day will give people the road. People only in the desperate to better understand God. God shuts up a door for you and opens a window for you, saying that this road is not for you. God will prepare your way for you, even if all the doors of the world are closed to you, God will For you open the windows of heaven, and with you, so no matter what happened, by God, do not be afraid. (1) great trouble will inevitably bring great revival. (2) Victory in the suffering of the believers, is really good seed. (3) God is the most reuse of workers, are created in the suffering. (4) The Lord is through suffering, so that we learn humility, so as not to lose ability. (5) abide by the purpose of Rong Yi; (6) life more bitter sweet, bitter sweet. (7) the more the suffering, the more benefits. (8) The grace of God is hidden in misery. (9) When will you suffer, when you will not suffer, how much bitterness, and what is the amount of God, and God will give us with the bitterness. (10) Our saints' life, the olive life, the more the pressure the more the oil. (11) after suffering, will be sympathetic to others, comfort others.

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