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Going at the speed of light, light continues to go faster?

I have a question as to why if you traveled at the speed of light would light still being going faster than you? Are there any theories on this?Hopefully I worded the question correctly.


If you are going at the speed of light and light is going faster than you, you are not going at the speed of light.
Light always travels at the speed of light. So how fast is light traveling when you are traveling at the speed of light? It's traveling at the speed of light, relative to you, because light always travels at the speed of light. :) Further examining this phenomenon demands that something's got to give, either light is violating its own rule, or something funky is going on. Something funky is going on, this is why the theory of relativity is important to understand, that one's frame of reference is not the absolute one. In fact, their is no absolute master frame of reference. Time either dilates, or the difference in measurements must be accounted for by measuring proper length, not actual length. This is why the twins paradox works. Let's say you have two twins, one travels at the speed of light to Alpha Centauri, and 10 years later, comes back. His twin brother will be long gone, and much older than he was. Because the observance of the passage of time will have changed relative to both twins while the one was traveling at the speed of light.

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