
Going into real estate?

My dad recently informed me about a career in real estate. Im currently a junior and its getting to that point where i need to really learn about what i want to do. My mother says that she does not want me to do real estate. I dont know why and i would like to know more about it.What are the downfalls?How hard is it to get into real estate?What are the upsides?How much money do you make?Is it a good profession?Any additional information would be good i really want to know about it in a simple way!


Every real estate agent makes different amounts of money, depending on how many clients you have and how much you charge, If you charge for example 10% of the house your client wants to buy, you can make some money So if the house cost 100,000 you get 10,000 off of one profit but that is EXTREMELY high my old real estate agent charged 6% Not really hard, but when the economy sucks *** like it is right now real estate agents dont make anything. Because nobody can buy a house right now. Also depends on where you live, like arizona is one of the worst states for real estate right now because the economy hit us pretty bad But when we have a good economy and its a sellers market like it was in arizona a few years ago real estate agents were making good money. A few years ago alot of people from california were moving to arizona so the real estate market was really busy It just really all depends
All too often, someone will decided to sell real estate because they see the lesson was simple; they were either going to conquer and come back on type of thinking runs rampant among the personality types who get into real estate.Go to the website for your state's Department of Real Estate or Bureau of Real Estate and find a list of approved online.About four years ago I got back into the real estate space full time in a consulting role, helping . If you are wondering where I am going to start, here is my plan.Does it make sense to get into real estate sales in a down market? Here's what some experts have to say.The process of becoming a licensed professional in the real estate industry differs from state to state.It's a necessary evil that every new agent goes through.I can not imagine going back to an 800am-500am job because I have too much fun in this profession. However, before you jump into real estate please consider.She decided to get into real estate after her kids left the nest.income and go into real estate, but having a husband that makes a salary helps.I don't try to persuade people into becoming Real Estate Agents. Becoming a successful real estate agent is a combination of investing time in education,Don't go it alone in the real estate market.Click here.....Property Management
Real estate business is not easy to do. There are many things should have to be cosidered. If you are real estate agent then its depend how many months experience you have. How many clients do you have, how much you charge from clients. A real estate broker typically receives a payment called a commission for successfully matching a seller's real estate with a buyer such that a sale can be made. This commission can be divided up with other participating real estate brokers or agents when applicable.
ITS all Real estate business trending and booming a lot in INDIA. Bangalore tops the real estate business

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