
Halloween costume?

Im a six foot four black guy who is aprox 21 stones and i have been ivited to a halloween partythe problem is i have no money so i need help with a simple yet effective costumeand anyone who says put a sheet pver ya head and go as a ghost deserves to be shot.


Do you towel dry? But really, Aluminum salad bowl? Since most salad dressings are acidic I would not use Aluminium for thatDon't you get a metallic taste? Besides Aluminum will not stay shiny very long.
Hi crimeski, how about using that sheet in another way? Get an old gift box, cut out a crown shape (you can staple it together) cover it with aluminum foil, wrap the sheet around your body, go out in the yard (or somebodies yard) cut down some Ivy, drape that around your crown have a wine glass in hand.and your right out of the Roman Empire! Happy Halloween! XOXO Moonpie P.SI think you would look very sexy!

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