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Hand coffee machine problem

My family has a drip type coffee machine, and now bought a hand operated coffee machine, the thickness is this coffee grinder of how to drip coffee powder thickness, I am white coffee, can popular point, thank you to answer, thank you.


Do you use your drip coffee powder as your own or ready-made?What you buy outside will mark the degree of grinding.Their own grinding, then manually according to the screw tightness, the machine has the choice of thickness.
Where is the scale?... The next few coffee beans were ground out, and compared to the sugar.. If it's thin, turn the circle on the top of the center of the grinder counter clockwise (see how much difference it is, and you'll switch to a few compartments). If it's rough, turn it clockwise.. Note that every time you debug, you should clean the powder, and then adjust the next time.. Thank you. I hope you'll be satisfied with my answer!
1-9 of the thickness, if it is conical, grind to 4, and if it is flat, grind to 7.7 can feel very big particles, about the level of Banlangen granules.4, compared to the trickle, no salt is so fine, but almost. If you don't understand, then grinding to a certain extent, but after a bubble, try, until you feel a very good drink, it is not necessary, to what extent is too fine, the flow rate is slow, some of the strong. Adjust according to your taste.

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