Hand-held power tools can wear gloves?
3, the tool comes with a soft cable or cord can not be long, when the power and workplace distance, should be used to solve the mobile box. 4, the original tool plug can not be removed or replaced, is strictly prohibited without plug directly to the wire wire into the socket. 5, found the tool shell, handle rupture, should stop using, to replace.
6, non-full-time staff shall not be unauthorized removal and repair tools. 7, the hand-held tools should have protective parts rotating parts; 8, the operating personnel according to the provisions of wear insulation protective equipment; 9, the power office, must be installed leakage protector
1, before the use of tools, should be full-time electrical inspection wiring is correct, to prevent zero line and phase fault caused by accident. 2, long-term shelved or tide of the tool before use, electrical resistance should be measured by the electrical resistance to meet the requirements.
There are many types of hand-held electric tools, to be treated differently. Operation of rotating equipment is not allowed with gloves, to prevent gloves thread wound in the transfer to the site caused by injury accident. If it is not rotating hand-held power tools can wear gloves, such as insulated gloves can also play a protective role.