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HAUNTED HOUSES in Saint Louis:?

Im trying to decided: 1) Creepyworld in Fenton or 2) The darkness in soulard. Which one should my boyfriend and I go to. If it matters, we're in our 20's and just normal people. I have been to the darkness like 5 years ago but do not remember anything about it. and the haunted hayride at creepyworld sounds fun.


The Darkness in Soulard
Creepyworld/ Silo X has a lot more to do. There is different stages of the haunted house like the hayride. At the Darkness don't be cheap and wait in the three hour line outside the place and just pay the extra $5 (you will know what I'm talking about if you go there). And very obviously the Darkness is pretty much dark the whole time besides a couple parts.

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