Hydrogen fuel cells pumping water into the air is bad. It is a worse greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide, and some other stuff coming out of hydrogen cars will do even worse dammage to the O-zone than CFCs.
Whoa, Nellie. Back the boat up. Before you jump on H-fuel cells as a pollutant by returning water to the environment, take a look at the water that is PRODUCED by the combustion of hydrocarbons. The combustion of a hydrocarbon produces carbon dioxide and water vapor. Look at the tailpipe of car when you start it in winter. All that smoke is (hopefully) condensed water vapor (and not burning oil). 2C8H18 + 9O2 --16CO2 + 18H2O We'll use normal octane as a stand-in for gasoline. It's pretty close in molecular weight. Notice that 2 moles of octane produced 18 moles of water vapor!!!!! That's a lot of water that gets pumped into the environment. When we compare the comparable amounts of energy produced by burning hydrocarbons and using H-fuel cells, the hydrocarbons produce more H2O, by far. Also consider where the hydrogen will come from to use in fuel cells. Hydrogen can be produced from the electrolysis of water. So it comes down to this: Take one mole of water and make one mole of hydrogen and half a mole of oxygen. Then burn one mole of hydrogen with a half-mole of oxygen and make a mole of water. Look at that: parity. There is NO net gain in water. A couple of other things. Carbon dioxide blocks more IR than does water vapor. Also, there are NO other products coming from the operation of a fuel cell, only water. I'm glad you asked this question before you go off and start spreading a lot of misinformation.
no way! water is harmful, definately, next time u c water, RUUUUUUUUN FOR UR LIFE!!!!!!!!! wats the logic to that? and gimme the chemical reaction that H2O destroys O3