Salt water is a good conductor of electricity and this new LIQUID road salt known as Ice Ban Magic Ice be Gone is being used in more and more states every year. This product has been marketed as less corrosive than rock salt. Lately some disturbing reports have been surfacing. One known case found that Ice Ban Penetrated the Stud threads of an 18 wheeler just like Liquid Wrench causing the corrosion to go undetected until one day the lug nut studs snapped and the truck wheel crashed through the windshield of a car killing the driver. If Ice Ban can penetrate lug nuts whats to stop it from getting into elect. connections and shorting ,arcing or corroding them out? Have you heard any thing?
HahaI love these! Paris Hilton, standing next to a red fire hydrant and waiting to cross the street (on her way to the county prison), found a bit of mold growing on her fingernail and decided to scrape it off with a rotten pickle she spotted on the curbwell, she was right outside of a Subway, that's why.
Paris Hilton broke her fingernail while trying to kill the mold from the pickle with a fire hydrant.
They are OK, IF you keep the speed down, WAY down. The problem is there are so FEW studs and the individual studs are TINY. They DO provide an increase in traction because the studs pierce the ice surface, but again, few tiny points are involved. So, YES, better than NOT having them, but they are only a SLIGHT improvement and NOT as good as regular tire chains. Just take it easy, and anticipate in your driving so you ease along down the road. Slow and steady is the way to go. Do NOT rely on the studded tires to do anything for you then if they DO, thank your lucky stars. The one place that studded tires shine is on black ice where they save you from losing traction without realizing it is happening. Black ice catches a LOT of people off guard, ending up in the ditch before they know what happened
If the cops are flying around your neighborhood 3-4 times a week they have bigger problems than one little pot plant. Like the first answerer said, It's the wrong time of year. And there shouldn't be any odor from an immature seedling.
While relieving herself on a fire hydrant, Paris Hilton mistook her moldy fingernail for a pickle and bit it right off.