Did everyone see that the former next president was all over the news again last night, hiking his huge self onto that aircraft? The champion of Global Warming and alternative engery consumption for the little guy (that's you and me) was filmed boarding his private, fuel-sucking, multi-engined jet aircraft because he's far too important to use public transportation. Fuel saving measures and reducing carbon emissions are for the little people, according to Fat Albert. He buys carbon credits from his own company to offset his gluttonous use of resources, which is more than a little bit like taking money from one pocket and putting it in another. What great and wonderous prize will the liberals bestow on him now to celebrate his total hypocricy? What more can they hand the man who epitomises the phrase Let 'em Eat cake? Well, he can always serve as a bad example so I guess he's not totally useless.
I don't know. is that kinda like James Inhofe screaming that clamate change is a hoax while he pockets the donations and gifts' from Big Oil?
Amen! This is why we need Fred in'08
Yes I have and they all do this everyday and think that buying carbon credits is a way to negate them but give us hatred if we have to use cars, etc to get to our middle income jobs.
If it became known that you, as a passenger on a public jet, had even a CHANCE to be sitting next to Al Gore, would YOU fly anymore? He's doing the industry a favor by staying off the planes!
Just further proof that the phony global warming movement is the last refuge for the one world communist movement. Those who buy into Gore's nonsense are either idiots or liars.