I have scoured the web looking for White PVC Vinyl Fashion Gloves (i.e. not safety or medical) and have had little luck. The closest I got was some long lace ups. I'm looking for elbow length but, at this point I'll modify short ones I just don't want to have to sew the darn things myself.So, if you've run across such an item and can remember or trace back to where, I would be extremely grateful for the information.Thanks, all!
not very often any more, at least where i am driving.
Of course, it is a must unless you want to compromise your safety.
don't try it. ruins the bike helmet. it's possible that the .22 rimfires used for plinking cans might not go through the bike helmet. however, the military type rounds used by riot troops definitely will.
There are a lot of speed bumps in city's in California. I also wanted to say that you are doing very good learning English. I could never learn Spanish because it would be to hard for me but i would like to learn Spanish.