So earlier my passenger low beam wouldn't turn on. i went and bought a circuit tester and found out a wire located here _-_ lt;=== (the bottom right plug on the socket) that wire wont light up. i bought a socket at the same time, but i dont know how to replace it. and even if i did.. i don't see how that would fix the wire.It's possible the wire is fine. but i cleaned the socket and all that and still nothing.any advice would be great. i really need to drive at night1994 GMC jimmy
The wire that leads to your socket may be worn or damaged. Find out which wire is not working. Use a meter that has a sharp probe, so you can stab the wire with the probe and see if it is putting out the electricity, up the wire from where you put the socket on. If the wire is not working, but off the part of the wire that is not working and splice in a new piece of wire and attach to the socket. Hopefully this will help you.
Your rig is 17 years old. The wires at the plug shrink and crack from heat and age. Then they get water into them and corrode inside where you cannot get at it. Does not happen with all cars, but when it does, it is a royal pain. Either try for a new plug/harness or cut one out at the junk yard and splice it in. Use heat shrink over the splices.