my dog is inside (not always sometimes is days outside) but when i take him out to pee he doesnt want to . what should i do? and don't tell me to take him to the the vet because first i wanna know if its a minor problem if it isn't ill go take him thank you plz message me for more help
Proper safety gear does not include blue jeans and tennis shoes. The blue jeans will vaporize in less than 2 feet in a slide on pavement, leaving your skin to abrade on the pavement. Tennis shoes will NOT stay on your feet and they have NO impact protection. Safety gear does reduce your chances of injury, but nothing short of staying home will totally prevent a motorcycling injury if you crash. Safety gear also reduces the severity of injuries when involved in a crash. Look at racers. They crash and they often get up and walk away. Occasionally one is seriously injured or even killed. It happens. Full crash gear is required on the track and it works. My one crash so far, I was rear ended and found myself sliding on the pavement at 35 mph. My only injury was a deep, painful bruise on my hip and a piece of road rash on my knee. I was lucky. I was wearing all of my gear except my riding pants. If I had been wearing those, I wouldn't have had a bruise or any road rash. My jacket was trashed, my boots and gloves scuffed, my helmet didn't contact the ground.
It is what it says on the tin, safety! Leather is one of the best protective gear but not necessarily warm in winter. Gortex on the other hand is warm when cold and cold when warm as it breathes it also has better resistance if you're off up the road on your bum! Ye get wot ya pay for. So pay as much as you can afford. My leathers are now 40 plus years old and still fit, so if you buy leathers pay for good ones and feed them evey year, yes honest leather needs feeding just like you and me.
Hurt Report says: 38. The use of heavy boots, jacket, gloves, etc., is effective in preventing or reducing abrasions and lacerations, which are frequent but rarely severe injuries.
Your questions, especially the last two, make it sound like you are looking for a reason not to wear safety gear. If you are not going to wear safety gear, just admit it. Safety gear is not a gimmick and it does save peoples skins and skulls. The riders who will not wear the stuff are usually either gambling that they don't need it or just convinced themselves that it won't help. Now, ask yourself who you are going to be: the rider who wears gear, the gambler who is playing the odds, or the person who says that everybody dies when they wreck regardless of gear?
So you mean to tell me that just because my son's bio father is not in his life and I get child support from him (maybe once or twice a year) he's going to die. So I guess my husband, who my son calls daddy, is not good enough. He has to have his biological father in his life? He doesn't even know what his bio father looks like and not by my doing thank you very much. My son's bio father would not be a good caregiver for him. He can't even keep a job. He has had about 10 jobs in the last 2 years and can't even take care of his wife and other 2 kids. That is not the kind of person who I want raising a dog let alone a child. Not all men are capable of raising a child either you know. If it was switched around and the men got the child instead of women, the stats would be the same if not higher for child abuse, neglect and criminal activities in the child.