what would you recommend for a large sofa -- about 98-100 long and about 38 deep? standard covers are too small. are there any companies that cater to bigger sofas?oh and i do not want want to make my own. i do not have the skills or time. thanks...
OMG would take all of 5 mins as a Joann's find a piece of material you like, tell the person how big your sofa is they will assist you to cut a big enough piece to cover the entire sofa like a sheet. Don't turn it into a slip cover just use it like a sheet enjoy! Best of luck to us all, ciao. GAH
i just buy sofas that are already nicely decorated. :) Sewing would be your best option by using a sewing machine, but since you don't have the time, maybe you can ask a friend?
Hi, If your sofa covers are removable and you want to change the colour or give thenm a refresh you could try dyeing them. Theres a link to an article below if you want to try it yourself or just Google sofa cover dyers and get some advice from a company that specialises in this.