Home > categories > Healthcare > Surgical Instruments > Help out the closure of medical devices and staplers What is the difference ah? Is the same product? What do you use?

Help out the closure of medical devices and staplers What is the difference ah? Is the same product? What do you use?

Help out the closure of medical devices and staplers What is the difference ah? Is the same product? What do you use?


6808 Abdominal surgical instruments: such as stomach stapler ? 6809 Urinary anorectal surgery instruments such as intestinal stapler
such as: Cardiovascular Abnormal Channel Closure ? 6808 Abdominal surgical instruments: such as stomach stapler ? 6809 Urinary anorectal surgery instruments such as intestinal stapler
6807 Thoracic Cardiovascular Surgical Instruments (Cardiovascular) Closures such as: Cardiovascular Abnormal Channel Closure ? 6808 Abdominal surgical instruments: such as stomach stapler ? 6809 Urinary anorectal surgery instruments such as intestinal stapler

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