
HEPA filter HEPA

HEPA filter HEPA


Products labeled "HEPA type", "HEPA" or "99% HEPA" can not meet these requirements in an independent laboratory and can not be tested.
Prescribed values of HEPA filters in an artificial ventilator: filter efficiency, performance criteria, and minimal values. First, the equivalent NIOSHN100 rating. The US Department of energy [United States Department of Energy (DOE)] has specific requirements for HEPA filters in DOE regulated applications.
It was commercialized in 50s and became a registered trademark, usually in terms of very efficient filters. In ten years of evolution on air quality filters meet the higher and higher demand to the high technology industry of all kinds, such as aerospace, pharmaceutical, hospitals, healthcare, nuclear fuel, nuclear energy and electronics microcircuitry (computer chip).
The original HEPA filter was designed in 40s and used in the Manhattan project to prevent airborne radioactive pollutants from spreading. I
The initial filter, airflow resistance, and final filter airflow resistance are typically measured by pressure drop across the filter

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