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Electrical Engineering or Mechanical Engineering?

Hey, I am starting my first year in university taking a first year general engineering program. I want to get into bionics and I intend to take bio medical engineering in graduate school. However, I'm not sure which path of engineering I should take to get to my goal. I am aware there is a biomedical degree I could get for my undergrad, but I've heard that a ME or EE degree is better as they allow for more job options as well as allow a chance to be in the biomedical field. I'm confused on which field of engineering I should take to get a better opportunity to work on bionics in the future. Mechanical would appear to be the better choice but the body works with electrical potentials and all that and that seems to fall under the EE catagory. **** also how does the two compare in difficulty?


I'm in EE and it's fairly difficult. I hear it's one of the harder ones (according to other engineers), but I enjoy it. It's still not TOO hard. I think that both are fairly important, but I believe that presently the big issue is interfacing with the nervous system/brain, so I might lean toward electrical. But then again, the bionic part itself is mechanical, so I think it just boils down to personal preference.

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