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line output transformer replacement?

hi guys can any of you give me advice on wot i need 2do on removing and replacing a faulty line output transformer on a rear veiw projection tv as i have the part and the local tv shop wont fix it 4 me.wot would be the best way to discharge the power from it first and could i jus cut the 2 wires on the old 1 and use connector blocks to connect the new 1 in would this be ok to do or do it need to soilder connected on?. and is there any adjustments that would need to be done to the set when i have it installed be4 i turn it on any help much appreicated


Solder the joints!!!!It is OK to use the old connectors!!!! Be sure that the power of the new transformer it is the same with the power of the old one.
If you have an identical replacement transformer there shouldn't be a need to adjust anything to start. As to cutting wires to remove the old transformer to replace the new one, I suggest you make yourself a chart of any color coding of the wires or tagging them so there is no error as to what to connect to what on the new transformer. I personally would replace the transformer as the manufacturer installed the original one. As for discharging, use a 10K ohm resistor with one side to ground and the other side of the resistor to the components you want to discharge. I don't advise just grounding direct. Good luck and be careful.

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