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is my scaffolding piercing infected/?

hi, ive had my scaffolding for a little over a month now, and one of the holes has started going really weird. on the top, its swollen and sore on one side, and on the bottom, its the same but on the opposite side. not sure if its infected ir being rejected by ear, which ive heard can happen. i would like to keep it in if possible,as i love it. any help welcomed :) thanks xx


I've also had my scaffolding and I had the same issue. It was totally normal, I went back to the peircing place and asked if this was regular for the piercing. They said it was and to proceed with the cleaning process etc. they said it just has scabs because its healing :)
It could be infected or it could just be irritated, kind of hard to say. Irritation is usually red, sore, maybe swollen. Infected is red, swollen, painful, hot to the touch, dark yellow to green discharge. Best bet is to do warm sea salt soaks 2-3 times a day for 10-15 minutes each (1/4 teaspoon sea salt per 8oz water) and hit up your piercer for a professional opinion. Do NOT remove the jewelry until you are 100% sure it isn't infected.
Normally if there is an infection it is very very sore, red, warm to the touch, and secretes yellow or green pus. It sounds like you might also be possibly forming a keloid, but most likely it is just irritated. Continue with your sea salt soaks (hopefully thats what your doing) and go down to your piercer and have them check it out if you get too worried about it.

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