Hi, Please i need help on how to convert 12v dc @ 0.12A from an electric motor to 150v Ac @ 2A.?
Not going to happen. Once you up the voltage your current capacity will go down. P=IxE so 12v X 0.12=1.44 watts but 150v X 2a = 300 watts. so your are short 298.56 watts of power. You need 25A of 12v power to get you 150v AC @ 2A. And that's with no loss in the system.
It does not work that way. Unless you are able to add in power gains from devices called Magnetic Amplifiers. it cannot be done. Not counting the losses from just the conductors and inefficiencies in conversion of electromagnetic power generation, it is not feasible to produce energy from a small device- your small DC motor to power the larger device. As it is, even under power, it is not likely the smaller device could even mechanically turn the larger device, let alone provide suficient EMF. Without further information on what it is you are trying to accomplish, it is only amounts to guesswork on our parts to figure out what you are truly trying to find the answer to.
You will need an inverter. You will also need a lot more current from you 12v source.