How can the first layer of flat net be dismantled during construction work?
flat net erection, the net outside the rope to be firmly tied to the lateral scaffolding horizontal horizontal bar, the net inside the tendons of the fixed, when the main masonry without frame construction, Spacing to set the embedded reinforced ring, the inner ribs tied to the ring in the ring, to be plastering the outer wall, the steel ring can be bent close to the wall can be timely clean up the net debris due to the construction of the temporary removal of the flat network to be promptly repaired site safety inspectors to be seriously responsible for the completion of the net network after the completion of the flat network inside and outside the ligation point by acceptance, and in the construction process to keep their situation to check and found the problem immediately rectification This Rieter basket description
To determine the reasons for power out when necessary to operate a special handle, so that the platform slowly down to the ground
Hot galvanized electric basket in the construction of a sudden power failure emergency measures, you must immediately turn off the electric control box of the power switch