Home > categories > Minerals & Metallurgy > Aluminum Foils > for my party i want a nightclub theme ( i think :)) and i have a two car garage with like cinderblock or somet

for my party i want a nightclub theme ( i think :)) and i have a two car garage with like cinderblock or somet

hing walls that are painted white and then a pretty big unfinished room right next to it so i was thinkning if i have 20-40 people (guys and girls) that if i get a lot of different colored lights and string them around the garage, clean all the rooms out, turn the lights off, play loud music and stuff that should be okayi do need decorating ideas though, so if you had any that would be really,really helpfulalso invitation ideas and anything elsethank you so much!!


i like head telephonesthe common is plenty greater appropriate, and there is padding to make your ear comfortable ;) as nicely, i'm able to easily placed on my headphones if i don't sense like listening to somebody
you can buy work style flood lights ( aluminum bell shaped) that take cheap colored bulbs, set them on the floor nad aim them UP to light areas and provide color, a cheapy fog machine from the discount isle after halloween woujld go great, ( make sure no on has asthma) dont put it on hard just a few blasts now and them, great effect

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