Does anyone know of a household chemical (or a chemical which can be easily purchased at some type of store) which contains copper? The chemical must be able to dissolve in water, and the purpose is to dissolve it in a solution of epsom salt (magnesium sulfate) to produce copper sulfate as a result. The copper sulfate will then be seperated from the solution and used as a flame colorant in a fireplace experiment.(Copper sulfate burns green)Thanks.
root killer for pipes has a form of copper
sophisticated matter. browse into google. it can assist!
whats up buddy sulphur has complicated 3 dimensional association so acts like covalent lattice & subsequently we write its effective formula. as an occasion lattice of NaCl there are 6Na & 6Cl atoms yet we write its effective formula . you will get this thought while u will learn 3-D and p-block in chemistry
I hate to break the bad news to you, but no chemical containing copper ions will precipitate cupric sulfate from epsom salt (magnesium sulfate). The reason is that cupric sulfate is very soluble in water, as is magnesium sulfate. So no matter what copper compounds you add, all you will get is a mixture of the salts. No solid will form. A much easier way to produce some beautiful blue-green fireplace flames is to simply coil some 12 or 14 gauge bare copper wire around a one inch dowel (or stick) and throw it in the fire.