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Home decoration radiation source which interior decoration radiation source

Home decoration radiation source which interior decoration radiation source


2, marble Some consumers do not worry about the quality of domestic marble and choose to buy foreign imports of marble, in fact, regardless of domestic or foreign stone may be a security problem. In fact, many of the imported marble stone radiation intensity is higher than the domestic stone, but has become a home decoration radiation source. High levels of radionuclides imported stone are: South Africa red, Indian red, fine grapefruit, royal tea, etc., of which small green pearl, fine green beads, South Africa, red radioactive have more than c class, are seriously exceeded. So the furniture decoration is absolutely not to buy the above looks tall on the import of marble stone. At the same time to be careful with red, brown series of marble, if used, the shop area of ??more than 40 square meters. Especially do not buy "mobile stalls" of marble, because many of them are stained with marble. Avoid protection: Eye: uniform fine structure of the stone with a delicate texture, for the stone to share. Ears: good quality of the stone percussion sound crisp; if there is a slight cracks within the stone or due to weathering lead to loose contact between the particles, the percussion rough dumb. Drop ink: the back of the stone drops of a small amount of ink, such as ink quickly spread around the leaching, indicating the existence of cracks within the stone particles, stone quality is not good.
First, building materials 4 large radiation source 1, granite Home furnishings are sometimes used as a large source of radiation. Granite is formed by volcanic eruption of magma, radiation is higher than marble, "Indian red" and other red granite radiation may be higher. In all the light-colored granite, only the "background high" areas of white rock, potassium feldspar minerals (especially potassium-40 isotopes and more) of granite, containing zircon minerals (ancient) deterioration Rocks and granites containing Tianhe stone minerals, it is possible to form radioactive radiation intensity is too large and may have a certain hazard phenomenon. Most of the light colored granite can be safe and practical. To avoid the protection method: the purchase of stone can require manufacturers to produce inspection reports, the same species of stone because of its ore, ore, origin of different radioactivity are very different, so the choice or use of stone can not only a single look at its A test report, especially when used in large quantities, should be tested in batches or in stages.
6, electric knife When the razor switch is turned on, the radiation value can reach 19.59μt instantaneously, and the razor must be used close to the face, so the men and friends should try to reduce the use of the razor. 7, humidifier Humidifier is divided into fan humidifier and ultrasonic humidifier two, the former radiation pollution is much greater than the latter. In use, try not to put the bed or sofa next to the location near the body to reduce the radiation on the human body damage. 8, hair dryer Hair dryer when used close to the scalp, easier to cause harm to the human body. Should be used as little as possible to dry hair to dry hair, start and shut down the hair dryer, do not let the hairdryer is facing the scalp. 9, speakers Speaker is small, the radiation is not small, the best use of the body more than half a meter to protect the hearing and good health. In addition, the speaker the bass effect is better, the stronger the radiation pollution, the need to carefully consider the purchase. 10, crt TV Crt TV is the old picture tube TV. Watch crt TV, the time is best not more than 2 hours, and the room to have a certain lighting, otherwise it will hurt and hurt the body.
3, tiles Tile on the body of the radiation is a radiation from the raw materials, the second is from the radon elements on the human body irradiation, and more than the life of the tiles after the destruction of the tiles off the glaze dust, the body inhaled, it will endanger health. In all tiles, polished tiles in the ultra-white brick radiation stronger, color glazed tiles surface radioactive elements radon precipitation rate higher than ordinary bricks. Tile raw materials drawn from natural stone, more or less radioactive, but because it is artificial synthesis of natural materials, so the radioactivity remained at a low level. Ultra-white polished tiles are mainly radioactive in order to increase the whiteness of tiles, adding zirconia, zirconium silicate material, the more white tiles, radioactive more easily exceeded, polished tiles (in addition to adding heavy metal elements of the tile) The problem is not big. Avoid the protection method: only a class of standard tiles can be used for residential interior decoration, so when you buy tiles to view the radioactive report to see if the final conclusion is "a class." Try not to decorate the interior with tiles as much as possible. If you want to choose brick, the best choice of matt brick; if you use a polished tiles, usually try to open a small light at home, to try to avoid direct light or through the reflection of the eye.

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