Why is the phrase, “unbalanced charges” a more accurate way of describing the phenomena we often refer to as “static electricity”?Explain how a good background in the structure of atoms could assist you in understanding the nature of electricity?Removing clothing from drier you feel or may even see a small spark. Describe a situation when this discharge of static electricity could be a very serious problem and how the potential hazard can be prevented.A light bulb draws 0.5 A while a kitchen appliance draws 13 A. What does this numerical difference represent in terms of electrical currents?Please help!!!
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a. unbalanced charges is the term that is used to refer to the presence of unbalanced charges on the surface of an object. If there is a surplus of negative charges on the surface of an object,then static electricity occurs. b. Atoms contain both protons and electrons . However, electrons from atoms in some objects can be easily transferred from, say, a polyester cloth to a table surface. So those transferred electrons from the cloth can cause the surface of the table to be statically charged. c. That spark can disrupt the normal operation of an artificial pacemaker, resulting in a myocardial infarction aka heart attack d. The kitchen appliance uses more electrical current than the light bulb. Hope this helps.