How about 12 inches in a 12 inch adjustable wrench?
The 12 inches in a 12 inch live wrench refers to a wrench with a length of 12 inches, or about 300mm.
The movable wrench is a wrench for short, and the opening width can be adjusted in a certain range, and is a tool used for fastening and loosening nuts and bolts of different specifications. The inventor of the wrench was Johannsen (Johan Petter Johansson, Sweden, Sweden), who invented the movable wrench in 1892.
Species:Inner six angle wrench (inner six corners) (GB5356-85) - nominal size (pair size): 2.5 to 36Form screw screwdrivers (screw screwdrivers) (GB1432-78) - Specifications (lengths of rods without connecting rods * rod diameters): 50 * 3~350 * 9Cruciform screw screwdrivers (cross screwdrivers) (GB1433-78) - Specifications (lengths of rods without connecting rods * rod diameters): 50 * 4~400 * 9Adjustable wrench (GB4440-84) - Specification (length * maximum opening width): 100 * 13~600 * 65Double ended wrench (double ended wrench) (GB4388-84) - Specification (opening width): 2.5 to 80Ring wrench (GB4388-84) - Specification (for side width): 5.5 to 36Socket wrenches (with gyro) (GB3390.2-82) - Specification (pair width): 6.3 to 63