I would appreciate a double check on this problem. I believe I‘ve saved myself a lot of cutting, but I just want to make sure. My shower is 59 inches wide. My tile is 4.25 inches wide and tall. (square)My spacers are .25 inches wide. The middle point of my shower 29.5 inches. If I move my center line to the right or left by 2 and 1/8 inches I should be able to cover the entire width with 13 tile IF I allow for a 1/8th inch addition in each corner. Is this correct?
too much thinking . . but thanks for the 2 points . . .really . . you are being too analytical here . . let your tile installation crew do it for you . . tell them what you want . . . but if you are so fussy that all must be dead on perfect . . good luck . . because you may still need to float the walls . . and walls are usually not square and ceilings are oft crooked as well . . sometimes you just need to fudge a bit and follow the line that everyone will see.
Ok so ignore your center line it does not matter here your tiles are 4.25, your grout lines are .25 and you are trying to get the tile and grout lines into a space that is 59 so if you take 13 tiles you get 55.25 for those tiles you will have 12 standard .25 grout lines totaling 3 giving you a total of 58.25 now from here what I would do instead of adding grout line and caulking on each end is form an L with the next wall (assuming you have 3 walls to tile to enclose the shower) because a standard wall tile is about .25 thick this would give you an 1/8 bead of caulk in each corner. Make sense?