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I have a water pump question?

How can I do a pressure test on my 350's water pump. Some one suggested I do it to make sure it needs replacing.


do you have heating or coolant loss there are many things that can cause this not only the water pump it can be the thermostat not working could be a water leak and also the fan that cools the motor could be faulty, any such problems can be serious and cause the engine to overheat and get damaged. if so get it fixed asap.
Most shops have a tool that goes in place of the radiator cap. this tool has a small handpump and gauge. Air is introduced into the cooling system and once pressurized, any leaks will be visable. The device will only detect a coolant leak from the water pump seal, it won't show any bearing wear within the pump.
Pressure testing requires a device that attaches to the top of your radiator which allows you to pump air into the system. This test will not always reveal a bad pump however. Find the weep hole (usually on the bottom of the water pump) and look for signs of leakage. If you see coolant you need a pump. Also grab the top of the fan and wiggle it if the belt pulley moves you need a pump.
What makes you think the water pump is bad? If it has a bad seal/bushing then it will be leaking coolant out of the bottom eyelet on the water pump itself and you would be losing coolant, if its overheating then that could be air trapped in the system and may just need to be flushed or ran for a little bit to circulate the system. I would check these options first but if you want to pressure test it just start the vehicle and squeeze the upper radiator hose to see if there is pressure on the hose. I hope this helps you my friend.
You cant do a pressure test just on the water pump. But if you go to an auto parts store you can rent a pressure tester that you put on where the radiator cap goes.It will test the whole system for leaks.But sometimes the water pump wont leak. It will freeze up and stop spinning.What makes you think its the water pump?

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