It was fine for the first 4 winters and then we had a real hard freeze that lasted for a few weeks, the fish survived but the pond leaks now. I tried draining it and patching but it didn't hold. Is there a simple solution?
don't have positioned fish in there yet, in any case... the pond isn't set up and arranged for them yet.... eliminate them and then artwork the pond over to restoration the leak..... nonetheless do no longer understand putting down plastic and then cememt... isn't smart to me in any respect....
If you cant see where the pond is leaking, the easy way to fix it would be to a plastic liner inside the concrete pond. You can either buy a flat sheet and try and fit it to the shape of the pond yourself, or you can have something custom made. Either way it wont leak or crack when frozen.
Dap makes Liquid Cement Crack Filler. It is an epoxy that actually glues cement back together. It comes in an easy to use quart squirt bottle. I used it when our fountain froze and chunks of cement broke off. Two winters have gone by, and we still have a water tight repair. You can find it at a Home Center like Lowes or Home Depot.