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How can I make high heels NOT scratch the hood of a car?

I'm shooting a music video soon as part of my portfolio before I go off to college and have no money, and a few parts of the video involve my friend, who is a girl, standing on top of my mom's Range Rover wearing a pair of manolo blahniks. Can you guys think of any way for them NOT to scratch it? Like maybe something I can put on the bottom of the shoes, or even something clear over the car? The heal is pretty small so I don't know how much putting like, cloth or anything under it would help. She doesn't have to actually move her feet on-camera while standing on the car, so hopefully it won't be like the Paris Hilton commercial where there was $30,000 worth of damage to the Bentley It IS a brand new black Range Rover though so my mom will definitely kill me if I destroy the hood of the car.Thanks! :)


make sure your stock tires are the best you can get because a scooter tends to swing the back end around in slippery weather. if they are not great tires, replace them no matter what. good tires and you will not have problems unless you tend to panic stop. then just buy a bicycle instead. but scooters are fun in the rain, sun, cold, warm, whatever. and the gas mileage is awesome. I ride mine in michigan unless there is snow on the ground. if you want to ride in the cold though, get a tall windshield and a full face helmet.
Yes they are the same. Some people use the french press to mean doing them sitting up or standing up and the skull crushers to be performed lying down on the bench, while others use them to mean the same exercise. Tricep kickbacks and narrow grip bench presses are excellent exercises that can complement skull crushers.
The gas valve is not opening. There may be a reason ..like a sensor but it is most like the valve is stuck . You should have it replaced by a professional . It is not likely you can get that same valve any more but there is likely one that will cross reference . But may not get installed the same. I should not tell you this but if you tap ( not bang) the side of it it may open and work.. Don't use a hammer ! Maybe the plastic handle of a screw driver .

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