I have trouble getting up and set my alarm sometimes. But if I'm lucky, only once a week does it actually wake me up! And I have it on every day, and then I hit ok or whatever and then hours later when I wake up - I can't remember it! My brother told me he heard my alarm, saw me sit up and turn it off and then go back to sleep.It freaked me out at once because he said my moves were 'ghostly' like. Like I was possessed and didn't know what I was doing, but my mum reminded us that as a child I sleep walked and did these things, I remember sometimes because I'd wake up on the floor and stuff.But anyway, how can I make myself used to my alarm to actually get off my lazy a** and wake up instead of turning the alarm off?
The Bible speaks about another place of torment at the final judgement of all mankind. It is called “The Lake of Fire.” At the Judgment of the Great White Throne, the souls in hell will be united with their bodies, which are to be raised from the graves. Christ will then pronounce the final sentence of judgment upon the wicked dead, and they will be cast into the Lake of Fire, the eternal abode of the lost. Revelation 20:11-15. Hell may thus be likened to the local jail where the prisoner temporarily awaits his sentence. They are taken from the jail to appear before the judge for final sentencing. Revelation 20:9-15 is the record of this Great White Throne Judgement of Satan and all who have rejected Christ and followed him. The Lake of Fire may be likened to a prison to which are committed those under sentence for the duration of their eternal existence. In describing hell, our Lord speaks about the undying worm and the unquenchable fire. Mark 9:43-48. It is a place of conscious punishment. It is a place of literal fire. It is punishment for sin eternally.
Probably sometime during this shield thing.
With fibre glass you need to mix up gel coat with hardener in the right proportions. But before you attempt any thing like what your trying to achieve, you first have to highly polish the surface that your trying to copy once this has been achieved then you have to apply a releasing agent to the to be copied surface. Once you have done this then you can apply the gel coat. Once it has seat the mix up a batch of resin hardener again to the right consistencies apply it to your project. You may have to cover the project many times with resin along with fibre glass clothe to totally support your new mould you may need to attach some ply wood as extra stiffness mould fibre glass clothe around that with resin. After a full day after allowing it to go hard then you can try removing your mould from what your trying to copy. A rubber mallet normally works fine. This only gives you the outside of what your trying to copy. Then you need to make a plug a plug is the same replica of your original project it's this that you finally copy for any future copies of what your trying to copy! ' It can be a drawn out process that can take a couple of weeks. Watched my son do it copying a surf ski! The releasing agent was the crucial thing, co's if you can't release the mould from the project your trying to copy then you are in deep shite! Cheers!!