Trying to clean my kitchen's Ceramic tiles . Does any one know a good way to clean stain from Ceramic tiles and how to prevent it in future.
what is the stain caused from?
Water and vinegar. Hi I'm Nick the Tile Man Check out my web site for free informative ads. You can purchase and tile cleaner and sealer but buy the good one not a cheaper one that last a few months.
Hi there, in my judgment Ceramic tiles are made from refined clay and other material. Maintenance is important through routine cleaning with mild soap and water. If you have some stains to remove, try a few of these suggestions to get your tile looking new again. 1.Clean the stained area with plain water and a soft cloth. Dry thoroughly. 2.Put on gloves. Use these to protect your hands even if the product is considered natural or non-toxic. 3.Mix borax and lemon juice together on a disposable plate or bowl. The consistency should be a paste-like substance. Rub onto the stain and allow it to dry completely. Rinse the ceramic tile with water and repeat until stain is gone. 4.Use a mixture of a vinegar and salt to make a paste. Apply to the rust stain and wait 4 to 5 hours and then rinse with hot water. Repeat as necessary. 5.Consider purchasing a Lustro Italiano cleaning kit. Apply to area with a moistened, soft cloth. This Lustro Italiano will remove the stain and not scratch surfaces. These are the steps you want to follows remove the stain from the tile. If you want more information visit the website I search it on a net it helps me a lot if you were interested visit the website which is given below.