I have a 1996 Volvo 960, wagon. I need to replace the steering and water pump on my wagon, and I am wondering if any how can give me instructions on how to do so...
that's a TOYOTA and not a GM vehicle!! in case you're fortunate you will in no way ought to replace the two pump ata ll!!! B U T <<< you need to do preventative maintenance here. AT this mileage, have all your fluids replaced, yet basically at a TOYOTA dealership! this could preclude the water pump and ability guidance pump to pass undesirable for you ALL fluids ruin with time and age on the line. Even the BRAKE fluid gets extremely poisonous and reason CALIPER and grasp cylinder mess ups. in case you FLUSH AND FILL with clean fluid it truly is going to shop a majority of those issues for you! THE NOISE popping out of your pump might merely be telling you that some fool at a QUICKY LUBE HAS used the incorrect fluid int here!! in case you pass directly to TOYOTA< they are going to use precisely the superb FLUIDS< filters and ALL components. and supply you a real guarantee you are able to pass decrease back to on!!! have confidence ME in this! A TRANS fluid employing a NON TOYOTA fluid will smash the trans. same for directing pump and WATER PUMP! basically genuine TOYOTA coolant could be used in that engine or HEAD injury will effect. sturdy success!
first okorder top of page says do it yourself click that type in your info and look up price place nearest and get a how to replace info as well stil i think it unlikely both are bad at same time and more likely a belt
hey, im a 960 dude, b4 U touch that water pump belt let me tell U U CANT change that ya`self it is very complicated and very precise on that dohc the marks-most likely are worn and they have to be PERFECTLY lined up AND there is a special tool needed to hold the cams in place as the belt is inserted that mostly only volvo specialist have,,,if this procedure is not done right it will blow the engine,,, and the other advice is good too,,,
the water pump on this car is driven by the timing belt so follow timing belt replacement procedures for this, keeping in mind that you should also replace the belt,idler pulley,tension pulley,and gas-tensioner at the same time.once there the pump is held by 7 bolts and replacement is straightforward[gasket surfaces must be perfectly clean and as this is an interference fit [valve bender] engine the timing belt procedure must critically be adhered too. as for the power steering foamy fluid means one of two things, either you have a leak in the system [pump,hoses,rack. causing the pump to cavatate due to low fluid or someone added a fluid that doesn't belong, requiring a flush of the system [once again if fluid was added there is probabley a leak somewhere] if indeed the pump is found to be bad [very rare] after removing the serpintine belt tensioner the pump can be unbolted and removed. good luck